1. 登入DC並開啟ADSI。
Log on to a domain controller with a user that has Domain Admin privileges, and run adsiedit.msc.
2. 滑鼠右鍵點選Connect to...
Right-click the ADSI Edit node, and click Connect to…
3. 選擇預設的連線設定後按OK
In the Connections Settings dialog box, , and click OK.
4. 滑鼠右鍵新增一個物件
On the ADSI Edit page, click Default naming context ,right-click and click New, and then click Object…
5. 選擇container後下一步。
On the Create Object page, click container, and then click Next.
6. 輸入變數名VMMDKM
In the Value text box, type VMMDKM, and then click Next.
7. 按下完成鈕去建立物件。
Click Finish to create the container object.
8. 在剛建立的物件上右鍵選擇內容。
Right-click the new CN=VMMDKM object, and then click Properties.
9. 在安全性頁面上點選新增,加入VMM管理群組並給予Full control權限。
On the VMMDKM Properties page, click the Security tab. Click Add to add the VMM Service account and VMM Admins group. Grant the security principles Full Control permissions
10. 按下OK後結束設定。
Click OK and close ADSI Edit.
有關DKM相關資訊請參考Technet文章: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg697604.aspx